On one of my last days at home
before returning to the chilly air of Oregon Jocelyne and I visited the home of
John Muir. If there is one thing you should understand about me is that, I love
John Muir. If you ever have time, please go and read a few of his essays or his
biography by Donald Miller. He was such a kindred spirit. His passion for the
wild beauty of the world is beautiful. As you might guess, I was absolutely
giddy at the thought of walking the rooms, passing through the same doors, and
roaming the grounds he once walked with his family. The following pictures are
from the day, taken with my phone and a new 4-in-1 olloclip I recently
Walking from the Attic into the Bell Tower. |
Taken by Jocelyne, I am in the parlor looking at the view of the grounds. |
This little friend, we named Stickeen, followed us around and promptly jumped onto Jocelyne when we sat down for some reading. |
This Sequoia was planted by John Muir over 100 years ago. |
“And our first pure mountain day,
warm, calm, cloudless, - how immeasurable it seems, how serenely wild! I can scarcely
remember its beginning. Along the river, over the hills, in the ground, in the
sky, spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm, new life, new beauty,
unfolding, unrolling in glorious exuberant extravagance, new birds in their
nests, new winged creatures in the air, and new leaves, new flowers, spreading,
shinning, rejoicing everywhere.”
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